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Questions to Ask During Your First Orthodontist Office Visit

Posted on July 1, 2022

Starting your orthodontic journey can be intimidating at any age. There is a lot that is uncertain about the process for those who have never had braces before. Having a few essential questions answered by a qualified orthodontist can ease some of the nerves surrounding treatment. Here are just some of the questions to ask at your first orthodontist office visit.

Which Braces Treatment Is Right for Me?

Different orthodontist offices will provide different treatment options. Most orthodontist offices will provide metal braces as a standard option, however, there are plenty more to choose from. At Tru Smile Orthodontics, for example, you could benefit from braces, Inbrace, Invisalign, or TruFit. Which treatment your orthodontist will recommend depends on numerous factors such as age and the current placement of your teeth. Take the recommendation from your orthodontist seriously, as they will know what will work best for your unique case.

How Long Will My Treatment Last?

Which braces treatment you receive and the misalignment of your teeth at the start of your treatment will often dictate how long you have to wear braces. According to Kids Health, the average length of time a patient will need to wear braces is 2 years. You should have a realistic understanding of how long you will need to undergo treatment. Additionally, you should understand that the timeline presented upfront may not always be exact and unforeseen circumstances can cause your treatment to lengthen.

How Will Treatment Change Day-to-Day Life?

Be prepared to change a few of your daily habits when undergoing orthodontic treatment. Some braces options will change your way of life more than others. For example, with metal braces, you will have to change the way that you brush your teeth. Also, you will have to avoid eating certain sticky or hard foods. Licorice, popcorn, gum, and more should all be left out of your diet. With Invisalign, you will have to be extra mindful on a day-to-day basis that you are keeping track of your aligners when taking them out for activities such as eating and brushing your teeth.

There is no need to feel nervous when entering the orthodontist’s office for the first time. Orthodontic professionals will make you feel comfortable and will be open and honest. To schedule your first visit to an orthodontist office, reach out to Tru Smile Orthodontics!