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Author: TruSmile Ortho Team

Maintaining Oral Health During Orthodontic Treatment: Tips and Tricks

Posted on June 21, 2023

Orthodontic devices are used to correct dental issues that affect the alignment and positioning of your teeth. According to the National Library of Medicine, an overbite is the second most common reason braces are used, with the first being aesthetic reasons. If you or your child are utilizing orthodontics, there are steps you should take… Read more »

Why Routine Dental Checkups Are Important for Children

Posted on May 22, 2023

Maintaining good oral health is crucial for children’s overall well-being, and routine dental checkups play a vital role in achieving this. Regular visits to the dentist and an orthodontic practice not only help detect and prevent oral health issues but also instill healthy habits that can last a lifetime. Here is more information about routine… Read more »

4 Reasons Adults Should See an Orthodontist

Posted on May 18, 2023

Most people assume that you would be over with the orthodontist after age 18. The thought goes, teeth should be finished developing by the time you turn eighteen so it shouldn’t be necessary to perform an orthodontic treatment after then. It’s important. According to the American Association of Orthodontics, one out of five orthodontic patients… Read more »

5 Benefits of Invisalign

Posted on May 17, 2023

Although we’re born with 20 teeth that perfectly fit the small jaw we get as infants, it’s estimated that 50 to 75% of people could be helped by orthodontic treatment, according to the American Association of Orthodontists. The additional eight teeth everyone grows into late childhood and adolescence, as well as wisdom teeth, though those… Read more »

4 Tips for Helping Your Children Prioritize Their Oral Health

Posted on May 16, 2023

Teaching your kids oral hygiene is crucial, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Regular visits to dentists and orthodontists can help, but here’s what you can do to make sure your children prioritize oral hygiene. 1. Brush with Your Kids When your kids are young, they learn from examples better than they learn from wordy… Read more »

Top Questions to Ask Your Orthodontic Specialist During Your Consultation

Posted on May 15, 2023

A lot of children in America have work done on their teeth. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, roughly 3.9 million of them see an orthodontic specialist. If your child is one of them, we’re here to help you with the top questions you should ask when you come in for a consultation. What… Read more »

What Type of Braces is Best for You?

Posted on March 6, 2023

One of the hardest things to decide when starting a teeth alignment treatment is what treatment to choose. From traditional metal braces to the newly popular Invisalign, there are multiple great orthodontic treatments to choose from, but how can you decide? In this article, we will discuss the different types of teeth alignment treatments so… Read more »

3 Tips for Your First Week of Braces

Posted on December 2, 2022

Braces are a great way to restore confidence in your smile and get your teeth back to their perfect position. Many people worry about the pain of braces and other inconveniences associated with them, but everything is extremely manageable if you maintain proper care techniques. Whether you are an adult about to get braces for… Read more »

How Early Should Your Child See an Orthodontist?

Posted on December 1, 2022

If you have children, you most likely have been practicing proper dental hygiene with them from a young age. While setting up these habits starts at home, you still need to stay on top of routine dental visits, as well as seeing an orthodontist. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, your child should be… Read more »

Benefits to Seeking Attention for Misaligned Teeth

Posted on November 18, 2022

The quality of the smile is valued very highly in our society. However, there are reasons besides aesthetics to get braces. A lot of alignment issues, especially ones identified in adulthood, can pose risks to the health of your teeth and jaw. These factors are considered far less than appearances are, leading people to pursue… Read more »